Friday, June 6, 2008

A Remarkable Transformation

A Remarkable Transformation

Union City New Jersey schools under a threat of state takeover felt that if they didn't make some changes in their school system that the state of New Jersey would take over their schools. Was interesting to know is that this was happening in the late 90s. This was a time of major educational reforms throughout the United States. What this shows is that there was a problem at the top of the Union City school district in the test scores and other educational competencies were so low.

Yet to give the union city school District credit for getting the right people to institute changes were the success rates were so overwhelming.

What Union City did was tried-and-true methods that has helped other school districts and other schools also achieve what we Arizona call excelling status. They didn't throw money around. They put money in the right place. It looks like they didn't just throw technology in the district is that they actually had training to use it correctly. Not only did they have professional development for technology but also professional development. In looking at the standards in interdisciplinary projects. Giving teachers a chance to come together is important, if there's going to be a buy in in new teaching techniques and practices.

The school board and other teachers also saw the need to create a climate of high expectations. This was essential in getting the school to achieve. It looks like they just didn't see poor Latino community. They sought community that can thrive in in growth if given the right circumstances and leadership. It's refreshing to see that the use of technology, and when a school district can do. When teachers are given the opportunity to be trained in hands-on environment and come up with teaching strategies that be beneficial for the students. This is something that doesn't occur in all school districts. Some school districts just roll computers and teachers and say, have a good year without any type of training whatsoever.


So the buying and owning closer teachers and students with the community as they saw the benefits and rewards for the money that was being spent. The community now has a face in the schools now on sugar is more principle involved went. Which of course helps all students in their education.


Writing-plagiarism advice for lessons.

This is from the Apple learning exchange teaching and learning website.

Catching students, who plagiarizes often a difficult task specific teachers at a time crunch it with their lessons are training at 250 papers. Now granted a simple cut-and-paste of an encyclopedia or encyclopedia website is easy to catch as stated in the article. Nowadays, school districts are paying for anti-plagiarism websites in which teachers through the use of scanning software can have papers turned in by students check to see if there is a likelihood of plagiarism taking place.

But I don't exactly call 12 or 13 suggestions a few, but these are some very good suggestions, some of which are being used in classrooms today as writing across the curriculum and writing as part of standards-based testing is becoming the norm.

Especially in high school, assuming that students know how to research on the Internet can lead to plagiarism problems developing a lesson on how to search on the Internet out to gather information and how to use primary source materials would be the very very beneficial before actual writing does take place. I like the idea that that educating parents is also very beneficial. In keeping students from plagiarizing. Now, will this ever stop the problem, no but it is a good start.

day 4

The new plagiarism.

When Jamie McKenzie writes about is becoming more prevalent in schools as kids become more techno-savvy. Using the seven antidotes that she has written about can also be used in WebQuests.

While going over some of my old WebQuests I developed in the late 90s, I see that some of them are nothing more than just information gathering that there was no higher learning required.

One must take a look at the level of learning that is required when having students engaged in a research project. The use of these different techniques to bring about original thought from students can help curb the use of plagiarism in the class. There are also websites that teachers can use to find out if a student is plagiarizing.
Plagiarism online
Plagiarism detection solution for
publishers, lawyers and authors

Plagiarism website
Turnitin stops student plagiarism
In use in 90 countries since 1996.

Understanding what plagiarism is: here is a couple of sites to help students understand what plagiarism is.

From Iowa State University

From the University of Toronto

day 4

Locating and evaluating WebQuests.

Since the late 1990s, the use of technology, and in classrooms has expanded by leaps and bounds. Part of the problem has been the lack of teacher training in the use of this new technology. In many instances, teachers taking their classes to the computer lab has been the same as some teachers showing and irrelevant movie in a classroom just to take a break. Teachers giving their students a list of topics, and then asking them to just Google it is nothing more than just wasting time. WebQuests can be used as the environment as it says in the website marmot for problem solving teambuilding and a good use of Internet resources. The preparation and planning is vitally important to the success of a classroom WebQuests.

There are many new and wonderful WebQuests on the Internet. Nowadays, with standards-based testing, WebQuests can help students and teachers cover a particularly hard topic. The aspect of working smarter not harder. Can come in to play when looking at a topic for a WebQuests. This article on locating evaluating WebQuests can be a valuable tool to any teacher looking to use a WebQuests in their classroom.

Day 3

How to search the Internet effectively

In education, the Internet is as important to our students as books are. But knowing how to travel throughout the Internet is just as important as learning how to comprehend words in the book.

Teachers need to prepare for their classes to be able to search on the Internet. To allow students who might have some technology ability to just go out in search will be a futile and frustrating experience not only for the students, but the teacher also. Most students will spend their time searching around websites that are not productive .

Before students are asked to go to a computer lab to search for information lesson that teachers should prepare as a lesson, how to search on the Internet. Use Boolean, keywords, and quotation marks are important for successful searches. A lesson to prepare the students in this manner will help the teacher throughout the year and the students to be successful in any type of research through the Internet that they might have.

Day 2

Beyond technology beyond technology: the end of the job at the beginning of digital work.

In the new age of technology, computer literacy productivity in the workforce is going to change drastically. Workers will be using their computers at home more telecommuting than they ever have before. In light of this newo computer literacy there will have to be a new learning that goes on within the educational community for our workers of the 21st century and beyond.

Students will be told, not what to do but given the boundaries on how to do things with their own time and at their own pace and four results to be the more high-stakes than they have before.

New skills will have to be learned, older workers who have been on the job for years. Under the old ways of production will have to learn new ways to produce with the use of technology or lose their jobs to younger workers were not only younger and cheaper. Problem in the upcoming years as it has been in the past as we move away from traditional ways of production in to the use of more technology.