Friday, June 6, 2008

Digital Divide

This article on the digital divide brings about some interesting questions. Since this article is over six years old, there has been an increase in the number of homes and schools that now have Internet resources. At this time, in my opinion, I don't think the digital divide is as vast as it was six years ago. There are many federal programs that bring in millions of dollars into the schools for technology. Now into the homes, I think the digital divide is also getting smaller. There is this debate between the haves and have-nots. But like the author says, the haves and the want-nots. one site to look at for information on Internet usage in America go to: Internet Usage Stats at
This site shows that the number of Americans use the Internet is close to 90%. This shows that the digital divide is not as fast as it used to be six years ago, though it is still a problem is in parts of the United States in lower socioeconomic areas. Both schools in these areas do have Internet access in lower income communities do have access to their community schools. So at this time, I don't think the digital divide is as big as a problem and some six years ago.

1 comment:

shadley said...

I agree the the Digital Divide is not as great as it once was. More and more people see that having the internet and knowing computer skills is what you will have to do to get anywhere in the workforce. In this day and age there are very few jobs that don't use email or some type of computer work.